Comunidad Colaborativa


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Usuarios nuevos

  • Mattia Cazzzaro
  • Nicola Sengul
  • Federico Ferronato
  • Ester Caon
  • Lorenzo Fantinato

Blue Western

Hello I’m from the Music High School Avellino and I have composed this piece with a guitar. In this piece I wanted to mix a little pieces of blues and a little pieces of western rythm,though they are very different. You could improve it a vocal part but my idea is to alternate bass and drums with a series of improvisation with guitar (BPM 140). I hope you like this idea.
Nivel de destreza musical: 
Nivel de destreza en el uso de software: 
Software y tecnologías: 
Cubase (recording and editing)
Licencia Creative Commons: 
Archivos de ayuda: