Comunidad Colaborativa


Quién está conectado

Hay actualmente 0 usuarios conectados.

Usuarios nuevos

  • Mattia Cazzzaro
  • Nicola Sengul
  • Federico Ferronato
  • Ester Caon
  • Lorenzo Fantinato


Hi,I’m Benedetto and I’m attending the “LICEO MUSICALE” of Avellino. I decided to enter this project because I write music and because I want to share it with other students like me. When I’m inspired, ideas come out as a flow with no order and by chance. So, it often happens I’m obliged to modify the original musical project more times! This is my idea! I hope you’ll like it!
Nivel de destreza musical: 
Nivel de destreza en el uso de software: 
Software y tecnologías: 
I used Cubase to write this. It’s a very simple track based on 4 chords: D minor, Bb Major, F Major and C Major.
Licencia Creative Commons: 
Archivos de ayuda: