iMERC (international music education research center) è stato fondato nel 2005 all’interno del Dipartimento di Lettere e Arte dell’Institute of Education dell’Università di Londra (IOE). è un luogo in cui i ricercatori in didattica musicale, i professionisti dei settori correlati ma anche studenti ed appassionati possono incontrarsi e scambiarsi informazioni e conoscenze in materia di: didattica musicale, psicologia della musica, didattica e musica per disabili, musica e sviluppo nell’età infantile, didattica della psicologia musicale, didattica della tecnologia applicata alla musica, esecuzione musicale, sociologia e didattica della musica e della musica corale, musica e salute e infine sviluppo musicale nell’arco della vita.
iMerc (the international music education research center) was founded in 2005 within the Department of Arts and Humanities (now Culture, Communication and Media), Institute of Education, University of London. is a place where researchers in music education, professionals in related fields, as well as undergraduate students and enthusiasts, can get together in a virtual exchange of information and knowledge in the field of Music Education, Music Psychology, Special Needs Education and Music, Early Childhood and Musical Development, Philosophy of Music Education, Music Technology Education, Musical Performance, Music Curriculum, Sociology of Music and Music Education and Choral Music Education, Music and Health and Musical Development across the Lifespan.