Collaborative Community

Muse Style Ballad

Project owner: MDomine
Updated: 16 Dec 2013
Posts: 19
This is a piece I have been working on which is meant to be a ballad type song in the style of Muse. What the piece is really lacking is some dirty guitar and of course some vocals! I would also be open to anyone who could help create another section for this piece to go to as it is currently the same chord progression throughout.
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Composition Elements:
AUD-20130509-WA0005.mp3 By: Julia Ferrandez Sanz
Trumpet 2.mp3 By: Adrian Matesanz...
Trumpet 1.mp3 By: Adrian Matesanz...
Vocal 2.mp3 By: Adrian Matesanz...
Vocal 1.mp3 By: Adrian Matesanz...
Dulzaina.mp3 By: Adrian Matesanz...
Project: Muse Style Ballad by Matthew Domine
Licensed under Creative Commons