Collaborative Community

Twisted Breadspread

Project owner: himonides
Updated: 16 Dec 2013
Posts: 1
Featuring:  Quentin
This is a short twist on Quentin's beadspread... I liked the loops found in the bedspread project and used the beat and bass ones in order to create a distorted alternative. The first loop I fed through a flanger in order to create a slight robotic texture. I added a delay and sync'ed it to the song's BPMs I also added some <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Risset</strong></a> tones in the background, in order to increase the stress and give it a feeling of constant escallation... Finally, I simply automated the volumes of the different components, in order to create a primitive sense of structure. I am also including a screenshot so that you can see the concept... I have left plenty of space on the mixer for future tweaking!
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Composition Elements:
breadspread beat.wav By: Quentin Nicollet
breadspread phat bass.wav By: Quentin Nicollet
Project: Twisted Breadspread by Evangelos Himonides
Licensed under Creative Commons
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