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Bonjour, monsieur Don Juan! por P. Alessandro Polito
Gli allievi del Liceo Musicale Passaglia di Lucca, che hanno seguito il mio corso di composizione, s
Granular music por Antonio Rodà
I uploaded a software (namely patch) written in Pure Data (it is a freeware programming environment
Hommage a Edith Piaf (Poulenc: Improvisation XV) por Evangelos Himonides
This project is the continuation of the idea posted in the special 'ideas' section, with t
Rainy Tuesday por Quentin Nicollet
My new Rock project Rainy Tuesday. Inspired by Swedish band Katatonia and others.
CSC remix por Antonio Rodà
Hello, I would like to make a remix of electronic music made in the 70's on magnetic tape.
Rock Song por Andrea Pozzi
Ciao a tutti mi piacerebbe creare un brano rock con alcuni di voi, con la possibilità poi eventuale
Jazzy Manifesto por Evangelos Himonides
This is a Jazz tune that I composed. I have nailed the chord sequence (available here).
Morning kirch por Alice Eldridge
Rough mix of live improv on a crisp spring morning. St Peter's church, Brighton.
Fatman Bach por Evangelos Himonides
The FatMan is an analogue modular synthesizer (http://www.paia.com/fatman.asp) available as a kit fr