Gennemse projekterne
Special Occasion af Hamed Aldhaheri
i have done a fanfare about world cup. i have done this piece alone.
Superbowl Players Entrance Fanfare af danial.hamdani
superbowl players entrance fanfare.
i basically used a drone to make the piece interesting and se
Riso af Benedetto Oliva
Hi,I’m Benedetto and I’m attending the “LICEO MUSICALE” of Avellino.
I decided to enter this projec
The same pop song af Kamile Grazyte ...
Need a nice rap part, could be anything as long as it fits the song :) Please anyone?
Intonarumori 1913-2013 af Tecnologie Musi...
L'idea è quella di creare un'orchestra di intonarumori come l'aveva pensata Luigi Rus