Collaborative Community

Elenco progetti

Inserire un elenco di nome utente separati da una virgola.

Twisted Breadspread

Owner: Evangelos Himonides
This is a short twist on Quentin's beadspread... Posted: Mercoledì, 3 Ottobre, 2012 - 18:37
Activity: 1 post


Variations on Drunken Sailor

Owner: Filip
We made an new arrangement of an folk song called "Drunken Sailor" Posted: Lunedì, 10 Marzo, 2014 - 15:54
Activity: 7 posts


Variations on Sakura

Owner: Alejandro Garci...
The main idea for this project was to create a new modern arrangement for an existing Japanese song: Posted: Giovedì, 13 Marzo, 2014 - 14:42
Activity: 1 post


Videogames Mix

Owner: Martina Santarone
Questo è il mixdown finale di un progetto che consisteva nel costruire un medley di musiche original Posted: Mercoledì, 29 Maggio, 2013 - 10:50
Activity: 11 posts


Wedding composition

Owner: Adi Ninnun
At music class we needed to pick an event and write a composition for it. Posted: Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2013 - 14:51
Activity: 4 posts


Will Calypso

Owner: William Hafner
My task that I had to complete was to create a calypso accompaniment to the melody of ‘Every Time Y Posted: Giovedì, 21 Novembre, 2013 - 10:53
Activity: 5 posts