Collaborative Community

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Owner: Imerc Student 1
Posted: Venerdì, 21 Settembre, 2012 - 16:44



Owner: Quentin Nicollet
Playing around with some VSTi synths, layering sounds and grooves. Posted: Mercoledì, 20 Giugno, 2012 - 17:00
Activity: 12 posts



Owner: George Thoroughgood
foolin' around with ma synths! Posted: Venerdì, 1 Giugno, 2012 - 14:50



Owner: George Thoroughgood
Posted: Venerdì, 1 Giugno, 2012 - 14:42
Activity: 2 posts


Spring breaks

Owner: Christy Nomkins
Been playing about with some of the samples I found on the system. Posted: Venerdì, 18 Maggio, 2012 - 15:22
Activity: 13 posts


Flesh and bones remix

Owner: Alice Eldridge
Here's an excerpt from a flesh and bones remix I've been working on. Posted: Venerdì, 18 Maggio, 2012 - 15:03
Activity: 12 posts