Collaborative Community

Elenco delle idee

In questa area è possibile accedere all’intera lista di idee progetto da realizzare in maniera collaborativa all’interno e proposte dalla rete di studenti europei costruita con il progetto OPEN SoundS.

Prima di formulare una nuova “idea” entra in questa area e visiona e/o posta le idee progetto promosse da altri studenti della rete.

JunkFood SPOT

Hi everybody! The aim of this project is to realize a commercial about the Junk Food, realizing: text, music for the background, sound effects and so on. After that, it would be interesenting to realize a Video. To develope this idea, we are going to use some MIDI soundsand some basic rhythm patterns could be produced usig software sounds or playing acoustic instruments and recording new tracks. We will use different softwares such as Finale MakeMusic, MaxMsp, Cubase, ProTools, WeVideo, Ulead Video Studio and so on.

Rock at the classroom

The idea is to study the musical, cultural and aesthetic characteristics of the rock'n'roll from the 50s and try to create, from this study, a rock'n'roll with the media that we can find in a typical music classroom at primary education. We are a very small group of musical teaching students. We are going to work on this idea at the "Music, Culture and Diversity" subject. Collaborations are wellcome!! Cheers from Segovia!!

Suonando con la scrittura

salve a tutti. Sono un alunno del Liceo Musicale di Potenza. Vorremo realizzare un progetto compositivo che abbia come tema principale "la scrittura": Creare una composizione con suoni legati alla scrittura, utilizzando i suoni che ascoltiamo quando scriviamo. Esempio: La penna che scrive sulla carta, i suoni tipici della macchina da scrivere, tastiera del pc, il click del muse.. E chi più ne ha più ne metta.. Diamo libero sfogo alla fantasia.

Open SoundS SPOT

Hi everybody! The aim of this project is to realize a commercial (about Open SoundS) on the base of the proposed text, realizing: music for the background, sound effects and so on. After that, it would be interesenting to realize a Video. To develope this idea, we are going to use some MIDI soundsand some basic rhythm patterns could be produced usig software sounds or playing acoustic instruments and recording new tracks.

Song for children

Hello, we are a group of students from the University of Segovia (Spain). We've created the lyrics of a song for children. Instrumental collaboration seek to accompany the letter. Here we leave the words to the song if you need it.


Our main idea is to mix several tools to perform a rhythmic melody which can participate in other members of the platform. Our end is to find collaboration to complete and enrich our composition. We want to do something fun and happy for people to have fun listening. We hope to carry out our plans and everything goes well. Regards, We hope you.

Sabor Latino

Greetings from Spain! We've thought of an idea for our project. We would like to get a Latin rhythm. We are looking for a melody that combines with the music clips we have uploaded, also seek a voice accompanying.

Aquella infancia...

We are a little group of students of the Segovia's university and we will create a new proyect. We'll want to read a little text expressively and we hope that you participate with us with any accompanying that you see most suitable.

La cacharrería de la anguila eléctrica

by: Lucici

Hi everyone, we are "La cacharrería de la anguila eléctrica, a Spanish group of students who want to be music teachers. Our intention is to create a project in which we could work all together as a group. Come from the idea of one of our colleagues, who has created a melody with guitar with chords based in a Spanish lively rhythm. We intend to add a base with different percussion instruments recorded individually and piano. Soon we upload the melody to the platform.

Mozart and Jazz

Hi! This project is based on a Theme by Mozart. There will be some instruments generally used to play Jazz Music (Guitar, Bass, Piano, Voice, Percussion, and so on). To developpe our idea, we are going to use some MIDI soundsand some basic rhythm patterns could be produced usig software sounds or playing acoustic instruments and recording new tracks. We will use different softwares such as Finale MakeMusic 2005 (no other version), MaxMsp 5.0 (no other version), Cubase.