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  • Mattia Cazzzaro
  • Nicola Sengul
  • Federico Ferronato
  • Ester Caon
  • Lorenzo Fantinato

Mozart and Jazz

Project owner: leonardo
Mis à jour: 31 mar 2014
Contributions: 37
Hi! The aim of this project is to realise a Jazz piece based on a Theme by Mozart. There will be some instruments generally used to play Jazz Music (Guitar, Bass, Piano, Voice, Percussion, and so on). To developpe our idea, we are going to use some MIDI soundsand some basic rhythm patterns could be produced usig software sounds or playing acoustic instruments and recording new tracks. We will use different softwares such as Finale MakeMusic 2005 (no other version), MaxMsp 5.0 (no other version), Cubase.
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Composition Elements:
Mozart.mp3 Par: Michele Della V...
recording.mp3 Par: Alberto Anhaus
Mozart and Jazz solo.mp3 Par: Marco Emmanuele
Mozart and Jazz.mp3 Par: Marco Emmanuele
Mozart and Jazz 3.0.mp3 Par: Alberto Anhaus
Mozart and Jazz 2.0.mp3 Par: Rebecca Comunello
Mozart and Jazz-1_0.mp3 Par: Andrea Zamengo (non vérifié)
Mozart and Jazz-1_0.mp3 Par: Dario Samarani
Mozart and Jazz.mp3 Par: Marco Emmanuele
mozart and jazz me version.mp3 Par: Alberto Anhaus
Mozart_1_0.mp3 Par: Dario Samarani
Project: Mozart and Jazz by Michele Della V...
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