Plateforme Collaborative


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  • Mattia Cazzzaro
  • Nicola Sengul
  • Federico Ferronato
  • Ester Caon
  • Lorenzo Fantinato

Folk Celtic Music Style

Project owner: Tsetsku
Mis à jour: 16 déc 2013
Contributions: 0
In this piece there are two parts. In the first one we have used a base made by recording a bagpipe long note and after that we introduce a improvisation made by our friend Adrian Matesanz with a Tin Whistle in B. In the second one we continue with the base and we introduce the rhythm and the fiddle melody made by Mixcraft. We have used Audacity in order to mix the tracks.
Tempo (BPM): 
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Composition Elements:
piano.mp3 Par: Tsvetomir Nikolov
gaita.mp3 Par: Tsvetomir Nikolov
flauta1.mp3 Par: Tsvetomir Nikolov
toms3.mp3 Par: Tsvetomir Nikolov
fiddle melody.mp3 Par: Tsvetomir Nikolov
Project: Folk Celtic Music Style by Tsvetomir Nikolov
Licensed under Creative Commons